Posted in Government News

Differing opinions on proposed playing fields

Wayland Town Crier 6/1/11: Differing opinions on proposed playing fields. If the Recreation Commission and Board of Selectmen aimed to ascertain community opinion on the proposed addition of two athletic fields at the Middle School, they certainly received a definite answer. Even if it may not have been exactly what they were hoping for. The panel at last week’s forum consisted of Anna Meliones, Brud Wright and Asa Foster, all of the Recreation Commission, Nancy McShea, director of recreation programs, and Town Administrator Fred Turkington. Those in attendance, many of whom lived near the proposed site such as on Joyce Road, almost unanimously opposed the project. Forming the backbone of their argument were the concerns of damage to surrounding ecosystems (vernal pools and woodlands), effect on abutting properties, providing adequate drainage, and if more fields is the correct solution.

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