Beyond BookSmart CEO Michael Delman Featured on Good Morning America

Beyond BookSmart, the nation’s leading executive function coaching company, announced that its CEO, Michael Delman, was featured today on ABC’s Good Morning America in a two-part segment, “The New Gender Gap: Keeping High School Boys on Task”.  The segment detailed how stronger executive function skills are an effective solution for many of the challenges young men are facing in today’s world.

An author, entrepreneur and award-winning educator, Delman served as a resource for families seeking strategies to help their students stay focused, manage time, and plan effectively to accomplish goals.

When Good Morning America asked about the learning and life management challenges boys can experience, Delman offered, “One of the big challenges for boys is procrastination. Sometimes in the boys’ minds, it’s about being bored, but what’s often going on is there’s a lot of stress.  That stress leads to avoidance and unfortunately, that avoidance leads to more stress.”

Delman continued, “When they’re really little, what kids need is the skill of impulse control, which means learning how to tolerate a ‘no’.  As they get older, it’s about learning to follow routines.  In middle school, it’s about attention and managing distractions.  By the time they’re in high school and college, it’s being able to independently understand where it’s worth spending time, meaning prioritizing and then completing the job.”


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